All You Touch is an adorable romance. West is still figuring out what he wants to do, but he keeps getting kicked by his evil landlord and can’t get ahead. Jake wants to eradicate evil from the inside but doesn’t realize how hard it will be to stay one step ahead. The two of them are working towards the same goals but from different angles.

Book Information
Publisher: Self-Published
First Published: Aug 19 2021
Format: ebook
Source: KoboPlus
Genre: LGBTQIA2+ Romance
Series: Love Starts Here #2
I liked this so much. West has his heart in the right place. His friends and family play a meaningful role in his life, and he always looks out for others. Jake has somehow remained uncorrupted and wants to learn how to do good meaningfully.
The minor miscommunications pile up to become a huge deal, but it doesn’t feel overly dramatized or manufactured. Jake and West have sound support systems to turn to, and nothing gets dragged out longer than necessary. The pacing is good, the relationship escalates smoothly. West’s Dad is hilarious, his wise words in the garden are touching.
I found EVILCORP to be two-dimensional, extreme, and crazy. The characters battling them notice it too, describing evil dude number two as psychopathic. There’s no grand scheme or sinister plot, just two people who repeatedly choose evil over and over again. Jake and Will are both cinnamon rolls, so it makes sense that the bad guys are Bad GuysTM. The tech aspect was weird. I was confused that Jake would use company equipment for non-company things and think it could be on the down-low. Knowing what IT has access to and can do, I’d never use my work computer for anything I didn’t want my employer to find out about.
All You Touch is a cozy romance with two good people doing their best. I like getting to see the characters from the first book again. I hope the third book is about Noah!