Broken Prey – John Sandford | Book Review

Lucas Davenport #16

Oh man, it’s been a minute since I read a John Sandford novel, and Broken Prey is another banger. I forgot how much my pulse races, and my heart pounds. The tensions in his books are so real to me. My mistake for reading it late at night and feeling like a bag of crap at work the next day.

As usual with this series, Broken Prey is a book of its time. When published in 2005, cultural norms were much different than they are now. The first few chapters contained references to the LGBTQ2IA+ community that would have been normal and acceptable at the time, and that would absolutely not fly in 2023. It’s important to acknowledge that the culture has shifted for the better, but I also feel this book did a good job *for the time*. I read Lucas Davenport as utilizing the information available to him. While not highly progressive, he is probably ahead of normal.

Broken Prey focuses on some gruesome details. I thought I figured out whodunit midway through the book only to be wildly incorrect. My second guess was closer, but still not right! I love the nuance and complexity of the storyline and that we get to figure it out and learn things alongside Lucas.

I was pleased that Letty and Weather were mentioned. I’m looking forward to the next time they play a larger role in the plot. I find it kind of odd that Lucas implies he only has one kid, though. Where’s Jennifer to correct him?!

I admit that nostalgia greatly influences my enjoyment of the Lucas Davenport series. The aw-shucks, mid-western vernacular and phrasing, the way language was used differently, and even the slow emergence of computers and technology all remind me of being in my teens.


Lucas Davenport – Former Deputy Chief with the Minneapolis Police Department. Currently a detective with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA). I interpret Sandford’s description of him as reasonably handsome and suave at the first glance, but there’s a feral aspect just below his surface that a person is subconsciously aware of. At times he comes across as a little “aw, shucks” and naive, but that’s very misleading.
Weather Karkinnen – Recurring character. Surgeon specalizing in reconstructive plastic surgery, primarily on children. Lucas Davenport’s wife.
Elle (Sister Mary Joseph) – Recurring character. Childhood friend of Lucas’. Teaches psychology and helps Lucas’ profile on tough cases. A Nun.
Del Capslock – Recurring character. Long time friend of Lucas’, now working with him at the BCA
Jenkins – Recurring character. A BCA investigator. Big, lumbering, usually partnered with Shrake and assigned to jobs that require intimidation and brawn. Lucas’s “goons”. (Broken Prey)
Shrake – Recurring character. A BCA investigator. Big, lumbering, usually partnered with Jenkins and assigned to jobs that require intimidation and brawn. Lucas’s “goons”. (Broken Prey)
Sloan – Recurring cast member. Long time friend of Lucas, also on the police force.
Rose Marie Roux – Recurring character, formerly the Minneapolis Chief of Police, currently the Commissioner of Public Safety. Still Lucas’ boss.
Carol – Recurring character, Lucas’ secretary at the BCA. Handles a lot of the communications between Lucas and other members of the BCA.
Marcy Sherrill – Recurring character, Marcy is a detective sergeant with the Minneapolis Police Department. She’s manning the office while Lucas liaises with the FBI.
Ruffe Ignace – Recurring character. An ambitious journalist at the Star-Tribune. Has a good working relationship with Lucas. A lot of bluster, but puts the work in to get the scoop.
Letty Davenport  – Recurring character. Lucas and Weather’s ward. She’s had to grow up before her time which gives her a savviness usually lacking in kids her age. 
Millie Lincoln – a college student, just living her life.
Mihovil Draskovic – Millie’s current partner. Older than her
Charlie Pope – Murder suspect and ex-convict
Leopold Grant – St. John’s Security Hospital psychologist
Sam O’Donnell – St. John’s Security Hospital psychologist
Dick Hart – St. John’s Security Hospital psychologist
Angela Larson – college student
Adam Rice– college student
Lawrence W. Chase – St. John’s Security Hospital inmate
Carl Taylor – St. John’s Security Hospital inmate
Dr. Lawrence Cale – St. John’s Security Hospital Administrator


John Sandford Reviews
Lucas Davenport Series

#11 – Easy Prey
#12 – Chosen Prey
#13 – Mortal Prey
#14 – Naked Prey
#15 – Hidden Prey
#16 – Broken Prey
#17 – Invisible Prey
#18 – Phantom Prey
#19 – Wicked Prey
#20 – Storm Prey

Virgil Flowers Series

#11 – Holy Ghost

John Sandford’s website

Publication Information

Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Imprint: G.P. Putnam’s Sons
First Published: May 9 2005
Format: e-book
Source: Library
Genre: Mystery
Sub Genre: Thriller, Crime, Suspense, Detective
Series: Lucas Davenport
Tropes: Police Procedural
Locations: Minneapolis/St. Paul, Mankato, Owatonna, and Rochester, Minnesota, United States.

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