Game Changer – Amy Aislin | Book Review

Vancouver Orcas #2

Game Changer was a slow build, insta-attraction, “but he’s my boss” romance. Blair Brawsiski needs help accomplishing everything he needs to do in a day, all of the things distracting him from his career as a professional athlete. Charlie gets hired to cook/meal prep and take care of other small tasks. The attraction builds as they work together and learn more about each other.

Charlie is insecure, digging himself out of a financial hole and too proud to ask for help. His father is hilarious, and their banter is top-notch. It hurt watching Charlie hold onto everything when so many family and friends were willing to help.

I find it hard to believe that it took Blair ten years in the AHL to finally set aside his other obligations and focus on his career as a professional athlete. Or all it takes is a few sessions with the skills coach to push him to the next level. He’s sticking to the nutritional plan by hiring Charlie, but how does he fit in all the gym time?

Blair and Charlie were both bad at setting boundaries for others. They’re both the type to give rather than receive. It was great to watch Charlie and Blair figure out how to re-balance their interactions with friends and family. I wish Charlie had stood up for himself more with Blair. Though, Blair eventually realizes how he’d messed up and makes amends.

The slow-paced romance in Game Changer is excellent. Charlie and Blair are attracted to each other instantly, but it’s not head-over-heels love at first sight. It’s a cozy romance, two kind and good people falling in love.

I enjoyed Game Changer. It manages to be low angst with some drama. It’s written by a Canadian and set in Vancouver. I like seeing Matt and Pierce again and the foreshadowing for Dorian.



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