Godkiller surprised me. I had no expectations when I started reading but gathered some hesitations when I realized one of the main characters was a young girl. As I kept reading, my hesitations dissolved, and I was utterly absorbed in the story.

Book Information
Publisher: HarperCollins
Imprint: Harper Voyager
First Published: Sept 11 2023
Format: ebook
Source: Library
Genre: Fantasy
Hannah Kaner did a fantastic job with Godkiller. It’s nuanced and subtle, the tension simmers, and the characters are captivating. While gods gaining power from worshipers is a well-loved concept, it feels fresh. Godkiller is not a mythological retelling. Inspiration for some aspects of the gods may come from mythology, but there are no direct parallels to Greek, Roman, or Norse pantheons. The gods in this story seem wilder, less political, closer to nature and extremely greedy for more life-sustaining worship.
The interaction between the gods and the population is so volatile and unpredictable. While the gods may grant boons to individuals and communities, what’s given by the god worshipped could be destroyed by another in retribution for lack of worship. Skedi provides the reader with direct insight into the personality and motivations of a god. The relationship between Skedi and Inara is fascinating. They’re both young and growing up together, making many mistakes and navigating how to resolve their issue. Inara caught me off guard, and she matures so much throughout the story.
Romance is my primary genre, so even if it’s not explicitly written into a novel, I always look for it and interpret actions as leading towards something. Godkiller is not a romance novel, nor is it romantasy. Though there is an undercurrent of a romantic subplot, I find it absolutely tantalizing. It wouldn’t be enough to turn off someone who doesn’t enjoy romance.
The adult characters, Kissen and Elogast, have their own baggage that causes challenges on their journey. I loved how fierce and independent Kissen is. She’s hard, self-sufficient and highly driven. Elogast is lovely too. I am a sucker for knights who prize loyalty and fidelity.
I’m eager to get my hands on Sunbringer. It will be a longer wait at the library than I’d like because the series is so popular. Godkiller ended on a cliffhanger, just after a significant reveal. I am fascinated by the world, engaged with the characters, and extremely curious about what will happen next. I highly recommend Godkiller, and I hope Hannah Kaner keeps writing beautiful stories.