One of the things I enjoy about the Lucas Davenport series is that each novel may take a few weeks of his life or a month or two, depending on how long the case goes. The intervals between each book vary, and a small part of each book is catching you up on the changes in Davenport’s life. Still, it only briefly details what happens outside of the novels. One of the things introduced in the last book had absolutely no reference in Hidden Prey! I found that disappointing.

Book Information
Publisher: G.P Putnam’s Son’s
First Published: May 11 2004
Format: e-book
Source: Library
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Series: Lucas Davenport #15
Writing five reviews on the Lucas Davenport Series within two weeks has been challenging without getting into spoilers for each book or repeating the things I like about the style. Hidden Prey leaned on Cold War-era spy games and Russia vs. US themes. It reminded me of other thrillers set in the same era. There was a definite lack of trust between the Russian and American characters. It was a fresh concept in the series and did an excellent job highlighting Luca’s new role and how it differed from his previous one. Lucas still maintained his good humour and depth of character. I loved reading about Davenport making intentional choices in his personal life and seeing his actions reflect his strong moral compass.
So many small counties and law enforcement groups were involved, and Lucas introduced himself each time in an entirely different way. From high-urgency introductions, getting the bureaucratic runaround, low-stakes introductions that are basically FYIs, and some that went quite poorly for various reasons, each one really opened my eyes to how many different levels of law enforcement work in the US. Coordinating all of that in real life must be a shit show.
As usual, I enjoyed the heck out of Hidden Prey. I love the way Lucas Davenport’s mind ticks through information. The relationships he builds are always entertaining, whether they are criminals, other law enforcement or civilians. I have the next 5 book bundle on hold at the library, and I am looking forward to it.
John Sandford Reviews
Lucas Davenport Series
#11 – Easy Prey
#12 – Chosen Prey
#13 – Mortal Prey
#14 – Naked Prey
#16 – Broken Prey
#17 – Invisible Prey
#18 – Phantom Prey
#19 – Wicked Prey
#20 – Storm Prey