House of Earth and Blood – Sarah J. Maas | Book Review

Crescent City #1

I only stopped to sleep when reading House of Earth and Blood. I’m thankful it was a weekend, and staying up all night had no consequences at work. I thoroughly enjoyed House of Earth and Blood and am excited to re-read it when Book 3 comes out.

There were many characters introduced and detailed exposition right from the outset. Initially, I had some trouble following along and found it confusing, but as I got deeper into the story, it started flowing smoothly. It took me a long time to get my head around the magic.

I cried in House of Earth and Blood’s first few chapters, which I wasn’t expecting. I felt walloped. I still do, and it’s been about two weeks since I finished. It still feels unreal, and I will have to wait for the series to end before it’s locked in.

House of Earth and Blood has layers upon layers. Each time Bryce takes action, something new comes up. The slow burn between Hunt and Bryce is fantastic, believable, and sizzling. I appreciated how often Bryce was underestimated and used this as a tool to get what she needed.

The world here is big, well-written, has great depth and is obviously well-planned/structured. Bryce and the reader share the same information. There are so many unknowns that I got to discover alongside Bryce. I find it cheap when the author doesn’t disclose something the character knew the whole time until it makes the biggest plot splash, so I was really pleased that didn’t happen in this novel.


Bryce Quinlan – Introduced as a party girl who doesn’t take things seriously, Bryce works as an assistant at Griffin Antiquities. She lives with Danika Fendyr, and spends a lot of time hanging out with the Pack of Devils. Regularly dates men who don’t challenge her.
Danika Fendyr – Alpha of the Pack of Devils, in the line of succession for the House of Earth and Blood. She served as a member of the Auxiliary and also has a reputation as a partier.
Hunt Athalar – Member of Micah’s triarii. Known as the Umbra Mortis, he terrifies citizens. Has wings!
Ruhn Danaan – Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae, member of the House of Sky and Breath. Commander of the Fae division of the Auxiliary. Lives with Declan and Tristian, think messy college dorm house.
Lehabah – A fire sprite. Guard at Griffin Antiquities, friend of Bryce.
Aidas – Prince of the Chasm, the fifth level of hell.
Connor Holstrom – The Pack of the Devils second in Command.
Fury Axtar – Longtime friend of Bryce and Danika.
Juniper Andromeda – A faun professional dancer. Longtime friend of Bryce and Danika.
Tharion Ketos – Mer Captain of Intelligence.
Isaiah Tiberian – Archangel commander of the 33rd Legion. Works with Hunt.
Jesiba Roga – Owner of Griffin Antiquities, Bryce’s boss. A powerful sorceress.
Victoria Vargos – A wraith who serves in the 33rd Legion under Isaiah.
Sandriel – Archangel and Governor of the NW quardant of Pangea. Hunt’s former owner.


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Publication Information

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
First Published: March 2 2010
Format: e-book
Source: Library
Genre: Romance, Fantasy
Sub Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romantasy, Paranormal
Series: Crescent City
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Big Brother Instinct
Locations: Crescent City

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