Last post, I praised John Sandford for making call backs to prior characters and he did it again in Mortal Prey. Clara Rinker, ghost assassin is back for vengeance and the FBI calls in Lucas to help stop her murder spree. We get to hang out with Malone and Mallard while Lucas needles them by putting the pieces together first. I really appreciate that all of these characters have grown and developed while they were away and aren’t inserted back in just the same as usual.

Book Information
Publisher: G.P Putnam’s Son’s
First Published: April 2003
Format: e-book
Source: Library
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Series: Lucas Davenport #13
Sandford’s characters always get a chance to surprise you. A peripheral character is written off by everyone as not very smart, a trophy at most. As things are wrapping up, the reader is given a glimpse of what’s behind the mask. I really appreciate that Sandford gives nuance to his characters, they’re not just one dimensional stereotypes and he extends that depth to the lesser players in a story.
Having traveled to St. Louis, Springfield and area in the summer, I completely agree with Lucas about not being able to handle the heat and humidity. My climate is pretty close to northern Minnesota’s and I can’t handle the stickiness. Midwesternisms come through again, I am filled with joy every time Lucas says “Aww, jeeze”.
I was surprised that Lucas didn’t push harder on the FBI to release a person being used as leverage. While Lucas did stress how seriously he took Clara’s threats, he didn’t try to actually change Mallord or Malone’s mine about continuing to detain the person. It didn’t seem like the type of thing Lucas would get distracted from.
I am so glad that Lucas recognizes the changes in his life and doesn’t continue the same behaviours that he’s always done when out of town. I wasn’t sure how Sandford was going to handle Lucas’s relationships now that things are a bit more serious with Weather. I’d have been disappointed but not surprised if Lucas had stepped out, and I’m sure that’s going to be a plot device in a future novel. Not looking forward to it, though I’m sure Sandford will execute it brilliantly and I’m glad it didn’t happen in Mortal Prey.
– Lucas in a new environment with a new peripheral cast of characters
– Getting to catch up with Mallard, Malone and Rinker again
– Rinker is an excellent, sympathetic villain, I’m rooting for her to escape as I’m along for the ride with Lucas
– Two characters I really like are highly impacted in this story, it was a bummer
– Lucas has got to have some major trauma and Mortal Prey would have caused more. Sandford skates around it, has Weather check in, but there’s nothing to indicate that Lucas actually handles it
John Sandford Reviews
Lucas Davenport Series
#11 – Easy Prey
#12 – Chosen Prey
#13 – Mortal Prey
#14 – Naked Prey
#15 – Hidden Prey
#16 – Broken Prey
#17 – Invisible Prey
#18 – Phantom Prey
#19 – Wicked Prey
#20 – Storm Prey
Virgil Flowers Series
Lucas Davenport – Currently deputy chief with the Minneapolis Police Department. I interpret Sandford’s description of him as reasonably handsome and suave at the first glance, but there’s a feral aspect just below his surface that a person is subconsciously aware of.
Clara Rinker – unusual back story, she’s a hit woman that Lucas has tangled with before. Petite and frequently under-estimated, Clara is methodical and smart. This is her second appearance in a Davenport novel.
Micky Andreno – A retired St. Louis patrol lieutenant, a contact of Lucas’s.
Louis Mallard – FBI Agent who has worked with Lucas on previous cases. Oversees the Rinker case for the FBI. This is his second appearance in a Davenport novel.
Marcy Sherrill – Recurring cast member, Marcy is a detective sergeant with the Minneapolis Police Department. She’s manning the office while Lucas liaises with the FBI.
Rose Marie Roux – Recurring cast member, Rose Marie is the current Minneapolis Police Chief, the sole person Lucas has to report to.
Sloan – Recurring cast member. Long time friend of Lucas, also on the police force.
Weather Karkinnen – Recurring cast member. Surgeon specalizing in reconstructive plastic surgery, primarily on children. Lucas Davenport’s fiancee.
Malone – Senior FBI agent, this is her third appearance in a Davenport novel. Has a history with Lucas.

Great review! AI can be quite cranky!