Chosen Prey – John Sandford
Chosen Prey highlights one of the things I really enjoy about John Sandford’s writing. As the Lucas Davenport series continues, side characters from previous books keep popping up. Not only…
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Chosen Prey highlights one of the things I really enjoy about John Sandford’s writing. As the Lucas Davenport series continues, side characters from previous books keep popping up. Not only…
Once Upon A Dukedom #3 Ah, the final book in a romance series. A well written series has been building excitement and expectation for the last book, and Once Upon…
Loved this series of vignettes. I liked how the characters were introduced and then expanded on in their own stories. I enjoyed time passing and seeing slices of the characters…
Ruth Galloway #1 This book started off on the wrong foot for me. Ruth, the main character, had a self esteem/body image issue. Her perspective about her weight used really…
Lucas DavenPort Book #11 I’ve really enjoyed the whole series. While the story follow a pattern, the cases are unique, the gotchas are new and Lucas Davenport continues to grow…