Promise of Blood – Brian McClellan | Book Review

Powder Mage Book #1

A Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan is a thrilling novel that will kept me on the edge of my seat. Set in a world where magic is real, and the aristocracy uses it to rule with an iron fist, the story follows Field Marshal Tamas as he attempts to overthrow the corrupt monarchy and establish a new, democratic government.

I really enjoyed A Promise of Blood. The characters are really likeable, and I enjoy the multiple POVs. The magic is consistent, and the world is big and complex. Taniel and Beau are definitely favourites so far. I want to learn more about the Priviledged magic as the series progresses because I have many questions. It left on a cliffhanger, but luckily, I had the next book already queued.

I wish Taniel and Beau were in their mid-late 20s instead of early 20s. They act rashly and impulsively like people in their early 20s. Still, it takes me out of the moment every time McClellan stresses how young they are because I’d aged them up in my head. The tension between Taniel and Ka-poel is excellent. Still, Ka-poel is the only recurring female character and she doesn’t speak. It would have been great to see some representation; the women in this novel are pretty stereotypical (mother, wife, whore).

Promise of Blood is a bit gratuitous and contains a bit too much gendered sexual violence, but I didn’t get the feeling it was just used for cheap shock value. Overall, I find it super confusing that Tamas didn’t have immediate plans for how the country would be ruled, but the book also makes days feel like weeks. Only a little time passes in the first book, but it seems like ages when following multiple POVs.


  • Great magic concept, eating gunpower to increase physical ability and mental acuity is quite novel
  • interesting characters with complicated back stories
  • good guys are good guys, bad guys are bad guys


  • good guys are good guys, bad guys are bad guys (COME ON)
  • so powder mages are… addicts? this isn’t really fully explored



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