Slow Burn – Julie Garwood | Book Review

Buchanan-Renard book #5

I thought this was going to be a romance between Nate and Kate. I was pretty excited, looking forward to the tension between the detective and the victim. It turned out perfectly and my initial assumption absolutely played into the plot twists.
The first few chapters had lots of references to “Wonder Bra’s”, which made me think this book was published in the 90’s or earlier. Kind of a weird name brand reference for 2005.

It’s so interesting reading books that were written before cellphones were popularized and remembering what it was like to live back then.

This is a cozy mystery romance. In classic early 2000’s style, the heroine insists on standing on her own two feet, but inevitably the male characters “know better”. Taken at face value for a light read, it’s excellent. Look a little deeper and apply 2023 values? The book doesn’t hold up as well. At least the male lead character isn’t entirely toxic or “alpha” like a lot of contemporary romance, even in 2023.

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