Switched – Sarah Ready | Book Review

Ghosted #2

I found Switched on NetGalley when the audiobook was set to be available now; no request was necessary. The blurb was intriguing, and I’m a sucker for body-swaps. Sarah and Henry have great chemistry from the moment they meet. When the body swap occurs, they must work together to fool friends, family and colleagues. They navigate tricky situations, offering each other much support to succeed. As the book progresses, they build a deep emotional connection, and the physical attraction never disappears. Sarah and Henry try to find ways to return to the correct bodies. Still, they are also resigned to the possibility that it will never happen and they’ll be connected forever.

I loved this book. The writing was very engaging. The narration was fantastic, and it was a hilarious read. As someone who enjoys data and graphs, I could identify with Sarah immediately. Her meet-cute with Henry is over the top, and the outcome the next day shares many parallels with Merideth and Derrick’s in Grey’s Anatomy. It’s one of my favourite SURPRISE tropes.

Sarah’s hesitations might seem dramatic to some. Still, it emphasizes how much the relationships we see as children impact our adult expectations and desires. Henry doesn’t get it because his family is warm and welcoming. Sarah doesn’t believe things can be different and shies away from commitment. Watching her interact with Henry and his family is so healing.

Body swap content often goes for the initial gag jokes, such as “OMG, the parts downstairs are different, ah!” and never mentions it again. Switched did an excellent job of handling it respectfully and accurately. Henry and Sarah’s negotiations regarding their bodies are funny and so awkward. Sarah’s reactions to NRBs had me cackling, and Henry’s experience with menstruation will make him much more empathetic in the future. I liked that Henry experienced Sarah’s body’s lactose intolerance and Sarah had cravings for tea. The idea that somethings go with the body rather than the brain was interesting and fun.

Switched is a great, light and comedic romance. Throughout the book, I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense surrounding the return to their original bodies. I didn’t realize this was book 2 in a series. I’m going to go back and read book 1.



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