The Alewives of Colmar #1
The Alewives is the first book I’ve read set in medieval times that isn’t fantasy. I saw it in the top Kobo Plus list and then saw the author promoting it on BlueSky. She mentioned it was a cozy mystery, and my curiosity was piqued. I was apprehensive about going in, but The Alewives did not disappoint.
Efi, Appel, and Gritta are three women struggling to survive after the Black Plague wreaked havoc in their community. They each have a different set of challenges. Gritta has 12 kids and an unreliable husband. Efi is newlywed and highly impacted by events in the book. Appel is a widow trying to find new sources of income. Friar Wikerus is a Franciscan sent to the Dominican priory to assist with solving the thefts. It’s hard to tell his ultimate motivations, but he does seem like the only man in the story with any sense.
I loved the way The Alewives presented these women. They are strong and determined but find creative ways to get around the limits imposed on them by the people around them. Appel and Gritta are a little sneaky and unwilling to wait for a man to get something done if it needs doing. Efi is not as feeble as she seems. I appreciate that the trauma from the Plague isn’t glossed over and still plays a role in the characters’ lives.
The Alewives is one of the best-researched books I’ve read in some time. The town comes to life with vivid descriptions of the area where the women live, Les Tanneurs. The details about the houses, clothes and ways of living were well constructed and fit seamlessly into the story. There were no “info-dumps” or dry descriptions.
The chapter descriptions in the Alewives were my only hesitation. As someone who has read a lot of fanfiction and other raw creative writing, seeing “In which…” as the beginning of every description made me cringe immediately. It’s appropriate to the period of the book and the storytelling style, but I have a lot of associations with that phrasing and terrible writing. I am so happy my concerns were unfounded.
The Alewives was light, hilarious and engaging. I very much enjoyed reading this book. It will go on the “to recommend” list as a delightful and cozy mystery.
Gritta – Of the three, she seems like the primary protagonist. Determined, hard-working, supports her family
Appel – Sneakier than Gritta, doesn’t have a family relying on her
Efi – The youngest of the three, Efi is used to having things done for her, not that she can’t do them herself. Doesn’t see the same barriers that Gritta and Appel do.
Publication Information
Publisher: Haeddre Press
First Published: February 1 2023
ISBN: 9781737454434
Format: Digital