The Autumn Republic – Brian McClellan | Book Review

Powder Mage Book #3

The Autumn Republic by Brian McClellan is the third and final book in the Powder Mage trilogy. The story follows several characters as they navigate the aftermath of the revolution that took place in the previous novel, The Crimson Campaign.

This book just zipped along like the 2nd. Tamas is fallible, Taniel is too overzealous, Beau insists he’s terrible, and Adamat goes over the top the whole time.

Adamat’s wife was mentioned once early in The Autumn Republic, then barely brought up again. Did Adamat not go home for the entire novel? I was frustrated throughout this book with the need for good female characters. Nila is junior to Beau and super impressive in her own right. She continues to get struck down as just the laundress, so much of her adventure revolves around Beau. Ka’Pol doesn’t get enough airtime, even though she’s pivotal to the entire series. She’s reduced to being a sexy, mute sorceress who is constantly underestimated and referred to as a savage. Lady Winceslav falls prey to a seducer (like Vlora…) because, of course, women are just dazzled by men, and the implication is that her mercenaries are successful despite her.

I’m bummed out because I really liked the Powder Mage series! They were well-written, fast-paced, and action-packed; the characters had a lot of growth, and the plot was good! So long as you looked at the men.

That aside, I was surprised when The Autumn Republic ended, with everything nearly wrapped up and only a few main characters missing. I was disappointed with the last big battle, to be honest.


  • Still, Taniel, Ka’Pol, Beau, Nila
  • Good narration
  • McClellan kept the intensity on for book 3!


  • Not to belabour the point, but really shitty representation of women
  • The ending felt abrupt and too tidy



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