The Selection #2
My head hurts from whipping it back and forth every time America changes her mind, every 3 lines, in The Elite. There wasn’t enough plot to justify the book’s length. America could have been plucking a dandelion: “He loves me, he loves me not.” The things that changed her mind back and forth were so insignificant. Most of the book was her internal monologue deliberating.

Book Information
Publisher: HarperCollins
Imprint: HarperTeen
First Published: Apr 22 2013
Format: e-book
Source: Library
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Series: The Selection #1
There were a couple of things that confused me. I’ll mention the most significant things that stuck out. This is a high-stakes society. Any errors or mistakes have dire consequences for you and your family. Yet, the project America spends so much time on is highly inflammatory and will not be well received in the palace. No one who knows about it persuades her not to do it. Once it’s done, though, that it’s a secret and she’s in big trouble is SOMEHOW a surprise to her. I don’t get it. Secondly, the palace is still so insecure for all the staff and weaponry. Are there no boundaries? No watch towers? Not even a moat! How do people keep getting in?! The were more than a few in consistencies in The Elite, it bugged me.
The Selection was YA and well-written. The Elite could have been written better. The asides that progressed the plot are fascinating. There is so much potential in this extraordinary world. I’m annoyed that I found this book frustrating, but I must remember that YA is not my preferred genre and take it for what it is.
I’m hoping the writing of book 3 improves. I’m invested in this world and want to see how it goes! Can America get rid of the caste system?!
America Singer – Starting as a Five, America has known poverty and struggle. Upon joining the selection, she immediately became a Three. America is idealistic and indecisive.
Prince Maxon Shreave – Crown Prince of Illea. Knows how to play his role in public. Handsome, charming, he’s shocked that someone may not choose him.
Aspen Leger – America’s first love. Enlists into military service and somehow gets stationed in the Palace. Handsome but whiny.
Marlee Tames – Another contestant in the selection, Marlee is the closest thing America has to a friend. She’s reserved and quiet, but kind and smart.
Celeste Newsome – A contestant in the competition, a Two. A stereotypical “popular girl” who is self-absorbed, mean and highly competitive.
King Clarkson Shreave – Ruler of Illea. Classist and dismissive, he rules Illea with an iron fist.
Kiera Cass’ website