The romantic tension in The Poisoner’s Ring is outstanding! Not only is it a slow burn by modern standards, but it’s also pretty chaste by Victorian standards! The mutual respect and admiration between Mallory and Duncan is evidenced in small and large ways throughout the story. I could read into it too much because I ship Duncan and Mallory. I hope that book three doesn’t just leap into developing the relationship and continues to let it play out slowly.

Book Information
Publisher: Minotaur Books
First Published: May 23 2023
Format: ebook
Source: Library
Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Romance
Series: A Rip Through Time #2
The familial dynamics explored are interesting and touch on how sibling relationships can change over time. Annis was an interesting character; I found her strong, abrasive, and cruel. Her actions didn’t always match her words, and the contrast was well written. Gray, learning to be a better sibling to Isla, showed excellent character development.
I greatly appreciate the level of detail in the writing and the explicit discussion of the character’s observations. Mallory interprets what Gray is thinking or feeling from his tightened lips, lack of eye contact, etc. It made The Poisoner’s Ring so much more nuanced and intricate. I was able to get really attached to the characters. Listening to Mallory and Hugh provide their observations and Gray chiming in with something absolutely critical was so satisfying.
The mystery was good. Lots of competing loyalties and misdirections to keep things interesting and ever-changing. I certainly wouldn’t have handled being accused of my husband’s death with as much aplomb as Annis. Still, lucky for me, my relationship is hardly a similar comparison. The added social scandal upped the stakes and made the consequences much higher. The Poisoner’s Ring manages to be both tense and mysterious, but still retain it’s coziness.
I very much enjoyed the characters and their backstories, which were written fantastically. Book three of the A Rip In Time series is expected May 7, 2024 and I’m eagerly awaiting the release. I’m extra pleased it’s written by a Canadian.
Mallory Atkinson – A fish out of water in the Victorian era, Mallory is a Vancouver homicide detective from 2019. She has sharp investigative senses and is slowly acclimatizing to living in 1869. She time travelled into Catriona Mitchell’s body, which is different from her own.
Catriona Mitchell – We know where her body is, we don’t know where she actually is. She’s rude, sneaky and sly. She hasn’t had it easy in life, but has alienated people around her.
Dr. Duncan Grey – A Victorian undertaker, trained as a doctor. His mother was from India and his father was British and he was raised in England. He faces a lot of stigma, but is cool, calculated and focused. Reserved and wry, he doesn’t open up to a lot of people.
Detective Hugh McCreadie – Duncan’s friend on the Edinburgh police force. He is frequently stymied by his coworkers who don’t believe in new fangled forensic methods, or other methodical policing strategies. Works with Duncan and Mallory to help resolve cases.
Isla Ballantyne – Duncan Grey’s half-sister. After she was widowed, she came to live with Grey. A brilliant chemist who is frequently underestimated because of her sex, Isla spends most of her time researching, assisting Duncan and Mallory when needed.
Annis – Duncan Grey’s eldest half-sister. Sharp, cutting and seemingly cruel, she comes across as only looking out for #1.
A Rip Through Time Series Reviews
#1 – A Rip Through Time
#2.5 – Cocktails & Chloroform
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