Flesh and Fire #2
A Light in the Flame took way too long to get to the point, and I’m still trying to determine the point. It’s hard to generate images for a book I’m not into. It just doesn’t feel good. I almost DNF’d multiple times while reading A Light in the Flame, which is unusual for me. The first book was a bit rambling and repetitive, but this book dragged so much. I found the dialogue boring and the plot nonsensical. I try very hard to take books for what they are, without focusing on the weaknesses, to enjoy the strengths. Overall, A Light in the Flame wasn’t for me. I kept noticing I was bored or annoyed and couldn’t immerse myself in the story.
I found most of the characters to be really frustrating. Sera for being unreliable, immature, impulsive and indecisive. She would say one thing and a few pages later change her mind or act otherwise. Ash was also immature and the dialogue between Ash and Sera was repetitive. It felt too focused on being full of snappy quips and comebacks, and did I mention repetitive yet? Their relationship reminded me of a young child throwing tantrums and a parent exasperatedly setting boundaries, which was really unappealing.

Nektas, Reaver and Jadis were my favourite parts of these books. Their dialogue was meaningful and relevant, and their actions were consistent. I really enjoyed Reaver and Jadis frolicking.
There’s so much potential in this world, with these characters. This book and series could have been so much more. As it is, it feels like junk food, or candy. It seems like a good idea, but it’s 625 pages of not much going on. I read somewhere that Jennifer L. Armentrout has yet to utilize a professional editor for much of her work, which shows. It’s disappointing because the world, the magic, and the overarching plot are so good, and then it all falls apart on the page.
Publisher Information
Publisher: Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated
Imprint: Blue Box Press
First Published: November 15 2022
Format: e-book
Source: Library
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