Say Yes to the Marquess – Tessa Dare | Book Review

Castles Ever After #2

I recently read another Regency romance (A Lady’s Guide to Fortune Hunting) and shouldn’t have read Say Yes to the Marquess so close to it. There were many similarities between the two books, just enough to make each book less distinct. There were things I liked about this book. I wish Piers had been another childhood friend rather than an older sibling. I usually don’t mind this trope, but it didn’t work for me in this story.

It took me too long to realize that Rafe was the second son. I was very confused for a while, thinking he’d been disinherited, cut from the family, and restored to the title once Piers returned. I couldn’t quite see how that would work out, given that their father was dead.

Again, very similar to A Lady’s Guide, there is a sister who is neuro-divergent. In the other book, the sister struggled to gauge social situations. In this book, the sister is a math savant with sensory sensitivities. I enjoyed the inclusiveness, but I doubt it represents the time.

The characters felt less grounded. Clio and Rafe were the only ones who weren’t caricatures, and even then, some of the scenarios they were in were far-fetched. I enjoyed their interactions and the pace of their relationship. Rafe was very impressive!

Say Yes to the Marquess was light, fun, and not serious. It was the perfect book to read on a cold winter day with a hot chocolate, but it doesn’t stand out from the crowd.


Clio Whitmore Рlongtime fianc̩e of Piers Brandon, The Marquess of Granville. Clio has been hiding in the background for years and is finally ready to let her sense of humor and personality shine.
Rafe Brandon – heavy-weight boxing champion, Rafe commits to planning his brother’s wedding. Tall, brawny and kind, Rafe doesn’t want to disappoint anyone.
Piers Brandon, Marquess of Granville – Piers has been out of the country for many many years, working for the government. Piers is everything that’s correct and proper.
Bruiser – Rafe’s boxing trainer.


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Book Information

Publisher: HarperCollins
Imprint: Avon
First Published: December 29 2014
Format: e-book
Source:  Library
Genre: Romance, Historical Fiction
Sub Genre: Regency Romance,
Series: Castles Ever After
Tropes: Forced Proximity, friends to lovers, forbidden love
Locations: England

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